What this means is that care must be taken when you are writing code
that you expects to be invoked multiple times.  However, if you are a
function that on your second invocation returns via the continuation
from you first invocation, you should probably expect to be called
again because it happened the first time!

The contentious point is precisely that there is no way to tell at the compile time that you will be invoked multiple times. If something you pull from a library or a callback passed to you captures the continuation, you may notice that your return continuation had been promoted, but at that point it's already too late to kill all I/N/S register usage and to double-reference all PMCs. Of course, unless you keep the original AST and keep recompiling it to PIR. I'd argue that it's vastly more complex and error prone than Leo's solution he refered to in his post. It's also no better than refetching all lexicals.

Also, note that return-continuation-restores semantics is simply a (possibly premature) optimisation in its own right. CPS is supposed to treat every continuation the same (which turned out to be inefficient), and then return continuations were added to simplify the most common case. So, while return continuation is unpromoted, it's perfectly okay for it to behave any way it wants. Once it does get promoted, I'd argue that it should behave like a normal continuation first because it's more practical (see above) and second because that way it doesn't break CPS semantics.


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