On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 07:19:07PM -0500, William Coleda wrote:
> Is there a plan at any point to move to an svn repository from cvs?
> I'd like to work on a patch to move all the perl* pmcs into dynclasses, 
> which would involve quite a bit of file moving, and I'll happily wait for 
> svn if we're going that way, since it'll be smoother.

If you are planning on switching revision control systems, I suggest
something other than svn. There are a number of other systems available
to the free software developer which offer serious advantages which
might not be aparent to those who have not experienced them. Among them
are arch, darcs, and monotone. I have used arch extensively, and I found
it to be a powerfull tool but with a somewhat poorly designed interface.
I have now been using darcs for several weeks and found it to be
extremely well designed, but I've not used it long enough to endorse it
fully. Monotone I have not used but it offers many of the same

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