Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I continue to disagree with the part of this conclusion where you insert
> find_method into the discussion.  To give a concrete example: at the
> moment the lookup involved in abs_p_p does not involve the use of
> find_method.

$ cat abs.imc
.sub main
    .local pmc cl, o
    cl = newclass "A"
    $I0 = typeof cl
    o = new $I0
    $P0 = new Undef
    $P0 = abs o
    print $P0

.namespace ["A"]
.sub __absolute
    .param pmc d
    d = "ok\n"

$ parrot abs.imc

$ parrot -t abs.imc
# find_method class 'A' method '__absolute': Sub
# Calling sub '__absolute'

> ... Nor does the lookup involved in find_method_p_p_s for that
> matter.


> If Perl programmers need to know about Parrot method names, then
> effectively this beomes part of the Perl language specification.  I do
> not have the luxury of changing the Python language specification.

If you are targeting Parrot you have to know the opcode names *and* the
reserved method names, sorry.

> I continue to push for the "namespace" for Parrot internal dispatching
> and language level method names to be disjoint.

That's a different thing that we can consider.

> ... If Python metaclasses
> get surprising results if they happen to define a method named
> "instantiate", expect a bug report.

Ok. The call syntax should rather be "__instantiate" to be consistent.

> ... (BTW, a combined instantiate method
> does not map well to Python which has separate __new__ and __init__
> methods.

We have the "__init" hook too. This is separate.

$ parrot -t abs.imc
6 new P17, I30     - P17=PMCNULL, I30=72
# find_method class 'A' method '__init': no

> ...  My recommendation
> is to stick to primitives, and simply provide a new_p_p).

What is the second "_p" for?

> There needs to be separate "find_method" operations for external (i.e.,
> visible at the language level) names and Parrot internal names.

Maybe. But why is it necessary?

> That is only because the design you have in mind conflates Parrot and
> language operations.  There is no reason that __abs__ couldn't call
> VTABLE_abs, or that __add__ can't make use of MMD_ADD.

And if the class implements it's own "__absolute" or "__add", we do a
separate redispatch? And dynclasses/py* does it differently to
dynclasses/perl*. Why don't you just believe me that that's error prone
and slow ;-)

> - Sam Ruby


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