On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 02:06:39PM -0800, Kevin Scaldeferri wrote:

> My latest theory was that my forked processes were stomping on each 
> other and corrupting the stored data structure.  So I replaced the 
> calls to nstore and retrieve with lock_nstore and lock_retrieve in 
> DB.pm and Structure.pm.  This doesn't seem to have helped.

The run files are named time . ".$$." . sprintf "%05d", rand 2 ** 16
which should protect against forked processes.  It may be that the
structure files are not so well protected.

> I ran Storable::retrieve on all the files in my cover_db after the 
> latest failure.  I found that all the files in cover_db/runs were 
> corrupted, while only one out of a couple hundred files in 
> cover_db/structure was bad.  I don't know if that's a useful bit of 
> info or not.

Are you absolutely certain that there's not another version of Storable
around which could be being picked up?  Maybe you could try printing out
the version of Storable being used before nstore is called?

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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