On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 04:42:54AM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just as C<or> returns its first non-false argument, the interpretation
> > of C<xor> would be that it returns its single non-false argument, or 1 if
> > both (all?) arguments logically evaluate to false.
> Yep, except *0* if both evaluate to either true or false.

Oh yeah, I got my truth values messed up there--I don't know what I was
typing.  I stand corrected, although the return value in this case should
probably be "" in a string context (or, to follow Perl 5 somewhat, whatever
corresponds to the value of "false" for the type of the last argument).


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