Michele Dondi writes:
> On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
> >to return an infinite list, or even
> >
> >   return 0..., 0...;
> >
> >to return a surreal list.  Either of those may be bound to an array
> Hope not to bark something utterly stupid, but... if one iterates over 
> such a list, may it be that on the first C<last> one really starts over 
> from the "second 0"? Well, unless some adverb is given to the point that 
> one really has to
>   last :everything  # or somesuch...

Balancing the mathematical preposterousness and the actual usefulness of
such a thing, I really don't think that's going to fly.  From the finite
world, Ï and Ï*2 look exactly the same, and I'm pretty sure that, cool
as Perl is, it's still in the finite world.

In particular, calling C<last> and having the loop not exit is more than
a little weird.  Whatever you can do with that, you could do with a
sligh redesign:

    return [ 0... ], [ 0... ];

And then your C<last :everything> is a C<next OUTER> for a nested loop.


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