David Storrs writes:

> On Dec 15, 2004, at 6:11 PM, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
> > S01 says:
> >
> > # Perl 5 code is not strict by default, while Perl 6 code is. But it 
> > should be easy to relax with -e or maybe even a bare version number:
> this would suck.  Badly.
> We should not be optimizing for the compiler's convenience, but for the 
> programmer's.

I find strictness _is_ for the programmer's benefit!  I've had to work
on some scripts which were originally written by people new to Perl who
didn't know about strict (or warnings); I found I was making various
sorts of errors (some embarrassingly simple) that I don't normally make,
because I'm used to them being caught for me automatically.

The compiler doesn't care whether you use strict or not -- it'll happily
compile what you've written, even if there are logical errors in there!

> Although I can't prove it, I strongly suspect that the majority of 
> times that someone sits down to do something with Perl, it's a quick 
> one-liner or short script.

Who knows?  Perl is used in so many different ways there probably isn't
a 'typical' user.  And note that C<-e> is one of the things that
disables strictness, so your concern about one-liners has been

> Strictness just gets in the way for those.

A short script tends not to use many variables, so having to type C<my>
a few times isn't much of a burden; nor will it be much effort to
disable strictness.

I think Larry's got this one right: somebody writing a short script
who's getting strictness errors can get irritated by this, and therefore
looking up how to disable it; whereas the current way round, a new Perl
programmer writing a large script can mistype many variable names
without it ever occurring to him that something like C<strict> exists
and the situation could be avoided.


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