Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
Larry mentioned 're_tests' file from perl5-source. Is anyone working on it currently? I could make a simple script to convert at least some of it to this pge-testing format which uses p6rule_*

'simple script' .. it isn't so simple anymore ;)

I'm not aware of anyone working on it currently, so please go ahead
and do this!

This test seems to cause an infinite loop (with parrot_2004-12-16_160001)

p6rule_isnt('a--', '^[a?b?]*$', 're_tests 387 (#438)');  # infinite loop

I currently have some 400..500 tests autoconverted from 're_tests', but quite many are broken as my script still has few bugs. I'll send the tests here once I get as many tests converted as seems plausible. (The rest can then be converted manually, or ignored. Not all of those tests have use with perl6, e.g. many tests for \z \Z $ etc...)

Resulting file 're_tests.t' has original lines as comments, so if test fails, it's easy to check whether problem is in test or in pge.

(Currently I skip all tests for $+ as pge-testing format doesn't support this. I'm not sure if these are needed for anything, as it's trivial to get endpoint from startpoint and string length.)

========== re_tests.t example ==========
use Parrot::Test 'no_plan';
use Parrot::Test::PGE;
# Tests from re_tests in perl5-source

# --- re_tests ---

# 1: abc        abc     y       $&  abc
# 2: abc        abc     y       $-[0]   0
# 3: abc        abc     y       $+[0]   3 # SKIP
p6rule_like('abc', 'abc', qr/0: <\Qabc\E @ 0>/, 're_tests 1 (#1)');
# 4: abc        xbc     n       -       -
p6rule_isnt('xbc', 'abc', 're_tests 2 (#2)');
# 5: abc        axc     n       -       -
p6rule_isnt('axc', 'abc', 're_tests 3 (#3)');
# 6: abc        abx     n       -       -
p6rule_isnt('abx', 'abc', 're_tests 4 (#4)');
# 7: abc        xabcy   y       $&  abc
# 8: abc        xabcy   y       $-[0]   1
# 9: abc        xabcy   y       $+[0]   4 # SKIP
p6rule_like('xabcy', 'abc', qr/0: <\Qabc\E @ 1>/, 're_tests 5 (#5)');
========== re_tests.t example ==========

Markus Laire

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