> Please
> Lets have two scalars variables in Perl and some operation under 
> them like an adding. 
> x = a + b
> I would like know, witch auxiliary variables are creating 
> on the in-line code like a Parrot 
> somethink like T = a + b
>              x = T     ???    
> and on witch circumstances depends it. 
> Can I keep clear of creating this auxiliary variables anywise ?

We have no idea when they'll come up, because we haven't even layed out
the groundwork for the code generator yet.

However, such auxilliary variables show up in a lot of places.  For
instance, when you add two PMCs, you need an Undef in which to put the
result.  I don't entirely agree with this semantic: I think the result
PMC should be created by the add function itself.

This is how it works now:

    $P0 = new PerlInt
    $P0 = 3
    $P1 = new PerlInt
    $P1 = 4
    $P2 = new Undef
    $P2 = $P0 + $P1

If that counts as an auxilliary variable, you'll see them all over the
place.  And there's not really a way you can avoid it.

In fact, I don't think you could avoid it if you wrote in bare PIR
without going through a compiler.


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