Simon Glover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 31 Dec 2004, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

>> This is a different issue. The ResizablePMCArray doesn't properly
>> inherit the is_equal multi method from FixedPMCArray and as far as I can
>> see, there is no Undef involved at all. Empty array slots are filled
>> with PMCNULL, which is a singleton. The example works for FixedPMCArray.

>  and this code in get_pmc_keyed_int:

>         data = PMC_data(SELF);
>         if (data[key] == PMCNULL)
>             data[key] = pmc_new(INTERP, enum_class_Undef);
>         return data[key];

>  When is_equal calls get_pmc_keyed_int to do the comparison, it creates
>  and returns an Undef PMC, rather than simply returing PMCNULL, and
>  since Undef != Undef, this ultimately causes the comparison to fail.

Ouch. That looks very broken. It not only doesn't just compare the
values (I see no reason, why the NULL PMC shouldn't have a is_equal and
some other methods) - it also changes the array contents.

>  I guess the real question is should we be creating that Undef PMC;
>  i.e. should fetching an undefined element return a fully-fledged
>  Undef value, or simply a PMCNULL, which may later be promoted to a
>  real Undef?

The semantics of core aggregates have to be defined with respect to
such operations in a consistent way. We can do it either way ...

>  Simon


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