Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ramblings on creating a new VTABLE_call_method "slot" to help with
> implementing Python's bound vs unbound methods:


1) Methods are functions, where the first parameter is the object.

We are currently passing the object (or the invocant) in current_object
In subs denoted with "method" we have the magic "self", which makes it
available for user code.

This doesn't match HLLs expectations and sematics.


  P5 := object := invocant for method calls
  ex-P2 := current_invocant (now current_object aka self)

So given:

  def index(self, substr)

We have the common case of a method call and matching arguments:


  P5 ... "parrot"
  P6 ... "r"
  current_invocant ... "parrot"

With an unbound method call:

  str.index("parrot", "r")

with this register setup prior to the call:

  P5 ... str
  P6 ... "parrot"
  P7 ... "r"
  current_invocant ... str

we have to do:

  if (PObj_is_class_TEST(object))

and we have again arguments matching.

2) WRT the proposed VTABLE_call_method()

This just moves the burden of doing a method call down to all classes
and doesn't really fix anything. 1) is not python-specific. Moving the
code into language-specific PMCs hinders interoperbility and causes
unneeded code duplication.

> - Sam Ruby


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