Peter Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,

>       I have a question on the todo item #32365 "TODO improve
> parrot-config.imc". I include the text of the TODO at the bottom of this
> message. My understanding of this request is this:

> a) There is a frozen pmc hash of configuration data which comes from the
> build system (after a good build).


> b) the author of the TODO wants a means to associate groups of configure
> data to simple command line arguments. So for example one could write

> $ c++ `parrot parrot-config.imc --link-time-stuff` parrot_mem.o

Yes. parrot-config.imc can extract individual items from the frozen
config and print these to stdout. The idea is to extend this
functionality to have a tool like "gtk-config" that easily allows to
compile and link extensions to parrot.

> c) That this TODO *does not* have to do with collecting more data via
> the build system. (I'm confused about the part that reads "But not all
> information is there or like the icu-libs a bit scattered" at the
> bottom of the ticket).

Well, I didn't look too close if something is missing ;) It's probably
just a matter of bundling the necessary items.

> Thanks for the clarification,
> Pete


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