OK, so at issue is the difference between an element of an array ($p5[1]) 
and a slice (that might contain only one element, @p5[1]), only 
generalised to n dimensions.  (A problem which didn't exist in P5 because 
there were no higher dimensions!)  

And we don't want @B[4; 0..6] to reduce to a 1-D 6-array because then 
dimensions would just be disappearing into some other...dimension.  
(To lose one dimension is a misfortune, to lose two is plane careless....)  
On the other hand, nobody wants to have to write @B[gone(4)] every time 
you need an array element.

Given $a=42 and @a=(42), what if @X[$a] returned a scalar and @[EMAIL 
returned a slice?  Similarly, @X[$a; 0..6] would return a 6-array, and 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED]; 0..6] a 1x6-array -- scalar subscripts drop a given 
dimension and 
array subscripts keep it.  (I think this is almost what Craig was 
suggesting, only without giving up ! for factorial. =))

The list-of-lists semicolon can still turn the 42 into [42], so that if 
you have a list-of-listy function that doesn't care whether you started 
with scalars or not, it doesn't have to know.  But really the LoL 
semicolon would turn 42 into C<[42] but used_to_be_scalar>, so that 
something that *does* care (e.g. subscripting an array) can simply check 
for that property.

Using a scalar to get a scalar feels rather appropriate, and not too 
surprising, I think.  Most people would probably expect @X[$a] to return  
a scalar, and use @[EMAIL PROTECTED] to mean a slice (if @a happened to have 
only a 
single element, you're still probably using an array subscript to get 
possibly many elements -- otherwise why would you be using an array @a 
instead of just a plain scalar in the first place?)

Plus if you do want to force an array subscript instead of a scalar, or 
vice versa, you don't need any new keywords to do it: @[EMAIL PROTECTED]; 0..6] 
@X[[42]; 0..6] (which is the same as @X[list 42; 0..6], right?  Which 
could also be written @X[*42; 0..6], which is kind of nice, because [*42] 
means "give me the 42nd slice" while [*] means "give me an unspecified 
slice, a slice of everything".)

Anyway, delving right into the can of wyrms, in P5 there were list, 
scalar, and void contexts (1-D, 0-D, and... uh... -1-D?), but now that we 
have real multidimensional arrays, we could have infinite contexts (ouch).  
Well, there must be some nice way to generalise that, but it raises a 
bunch of questions.  (I can imagine "table context" being reasonably 

Various functions in P5 left the dimension of their arg untouched (take a 
list, return a list), or dropped it down one (take a list, return a 
scalar).  (Taking a scalar and returning a list is less common, but I can 
imagine a 2-D version of 'split' that turns a string into a table....)

So in p6, should 'shift'ing an n-D array return a scalar or an array of 
n-1 dimensions?  It depends on whether you see it as a way to criss-cross 
through an array one element at a time, or as a way to take one 'layer' 
off something.  Both would be useful.

'grep' could return a list (1-D) of all matching individual elements, but 
perhaps more usefully it could preserve dimensionality:
    my @board is shape(8;8);
    #match alternating squares:
    @checkerboard=grep { ($_.index[0] + $_.index[1])%2 } @board;

...to end up with a ragged 2-D array containing only the usable half of 
our checkerboard.  (I'm assuming we have something like .index to get the 
x, y co-ords of an element?)

'reverse' would presumably flip around the indices in all dimensions.  Ah, 
the fun of coming up with new multidimensional variations on all the old 
(or new) favourites! 

             - David "a head-scratcher no matter how you slice it" Green

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