Matt Fowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Leo~

> On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 16:26:07 +0100, Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [ cc'ed p6l ]
>> Matt Fowles wrote:
>> > Leo~
>> >
>> > On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:02:26 +0100, Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >>But where does that PerlMMD PMC come from? Does the Perl6 compiler
>> >>generate one somewhere?
>> > It is generated by the compiler.  During compilation all of the
>> > different MMD functions will necessarily be parsed and compiled, when
>> > the first MMD function is compiled the compiler wil add a MMD PMC to
>> > the appropriate table.  Each time a specialized version is compiled it
>> > will be added to the already created MMD PMC.
>> Interesting. Where is this information coming from? Where can I read
>> more about that?

> The general idea that I am explain here has its root in the CLOS MMD
> system.  To define a set of MMD methods one calls (defgeneric foo (a b
> c) ...) to add a particular implementation one calls (defmethod foo
> ((Cat a) (Monkey b) c) ...).

I smell some namespace pollution here. The namspace, where you ought to
place the "generic foo" MMD PMC, could already contain a non-multi
subroutine of that name. Second: S12 states that multi-dispatch can
degenerate to single dispatch on plain methods, which seems to imply
that the full MMD can't be handled by your proposed MMD PMC.

> ... But the crux of my idea is the following
> breakdown of responsibility

Yep. That's the reason for splitting the functionality of find_method,
which currently does it all.

> The problem I see with that is calling a MMD function with arguments
> from two different class systems.

That'll be more fun, yes. But as long as the classes have a common
ancestor, a matching MMD function could exist.

> ... It would make more sense to me to
> separate the dispatch system and the object system.

Yes. But as C<dispatch> is (will be) a vtable you can always plug in the
desired dispatch system in your metaclass.

> Matt


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