--- chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 18:51 -0800, Ovid wrote:
> Odd.  I think the problem was in looking for undefined values; at
> least,
> I remember ending up with that while writing the patch and running
> the
> Test::Harness tests.

Perhaps we have something else different on our systems, but when I'm
processing "extra" lines, $result{number} is false.  
At first, it looked to me like $result{number} could *never* be true,
but then I saw the beginning of the long if/else block:

    my %result = ();


    my $type;
    if ( $self->_is_test($line, \%result) ) {

_is_test has the nasty side effect of altering %result and may change
subsequent conditionals.  However, on subsequent lines which may have
the extra data, %result never has a number set, thus ! $result{$number}
is true when trying to capture extra data.

> I don't understand.  These aren't equivalent.  Mine should never
> exclude
> the expected and received lines, only the file-at-a-time summary
> diagnostics.

Your code was fine.  I have no idea what I was talking about.


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