
On Thursday 27 January 2005 00:50, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 06:28:20PM -0500, David Golden wrote:
> > But is there any reason they can't be run in the same process?
> In general I think its a bad idea for the test and the thing which
> generates its output to be in the same process.  Why?  Because then how
> do you, the user, change the output format?  You have to trust that the
> test author used something that you can pass in arguments or
> environment variables or whatever to be able to spit out the format you
> want.  This is, of course, the problem with any all-in-one system.  The
> various implementations of XUnit, for example, have this problem.  And
> then what happens if Module::Foo is using Foo::Runner that takes its
> arguments in one way and Module::Bar is using Bar::Runner that takes
> its arguments in another way?
> The nice part of the "test | parser" model is because there's a common
> format you can stick any parser on the end and generate any output you
> like.  The current trouble is we have only one parser and its not
> terribly flexible.

If I understand the current test model correctly, the seperation also has 
the advantage that if the test dies, the parser is largely unaffected. It 
even tells you *where* it died (e.g. "after test #7"). If you have 
test/parser in one process, a die() might tear it down completely, and 
you get only "test process died" out of it.

Best wishes,


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