Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


+ else if (p->vtable->base_type == enum_class_NCI) {

It was requested[1] that I not add any Python specific methods to the
NCI method... accordingly, the majority of Python methods are morphed to
a PyNCI class which subclasses the base NCI class.

Well, I know that the above test isn't quite right. It should be:


But that needs still more work - better PMC class inheritance in that
case. I've proposed to add an "mro" array to PMCs to simplify
inheritance checks.

[ for now, I've put in above line - should work ]

But then you effectively morph the resulting bound method into a NCI instead of a PyNCI with the following line of code:

bound_meth->vtable = Parrot_base_vtables[enum_class_Bound_NCI];

Delegation is more appropriate in this instance, and would be able to handle both NCIs and PIR methods with equal ease.

- Sam Ruby

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