Jonathan Worthington wrote:
> "Ron Blaschke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>>> Sriram Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Failed Test            Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> t\dynclass\pybuiltin.t    5  1280     6    5  83.33%  1-2 4-6
>> t\dynclass\pyclass.t      6  1536     6    6 100.00%  1-6
>> t\dynclass\pycomplex.t    1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
>> t\dynclass\pyfunc.t       4  1024     4    4 100.00%  1-4
>> t\dynclass\pyint.t       25  6400    25   25 100.00%  1-25
>> t\pmc\nci.t               5  1280    56    5   8.93%  3 8 46 51-52
>> 7 tests and 64 subtests skipped.
>> Most, if not all, tests fail b/c of "Illegal PMC enum (0) in new".

> the Parrot interpreter so things work as they should.  I got the first bit
> done then the RSI monster came and ate my hands, so I've had to stop working
> on fun stuff for a while.  :-(   So the second remains undone.

I am sorry to hear about that.  Get well soon!

> I think you need to build a .def file for the main Parrot executable that
> has all the names of functions that can be used from dynclasses in it, then
> give it to the linker when you link parrot.exe.  Then, linking the 
> dynclasses with the correct options, whatever they are, should give the
> desired effect.  No promises it will work - somebody may know better - but
> it was what I was going to try next.

Thanks a lot, I'll start with that.


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