Ron Blaschke wrote:

Why not generate the .def file instead of hoping that people add the
correct symbols?  Here's a patch that seems to do the trick for me
(though not running Windows, I can't really test if the defines are all

I haven't checked the details, but I think this will not work, as it
seems to generates a list of all symbols beginning with nci_, but
'int_cb_D4' is used, too.
nci_test.c is used only for testing. So there is no harm in renaming the
symbols as needed.

Previously, I have proposed adding 'PARROT_API' to declarations, and
grep for them, or expand them to '__declspec(dllexport)' on Windows.
This might work for 'parrot.dll', but not for libnci_test.dll, as it isn't a part of the interface on Parrot.

#31649: [TODO] Win32 - Automatically Export Symbols

CU, Bernhard

Dipl.-Physiker Bernhard Schmalhofer
Senior Developer
Biomax Informatics AG
Lochhamer Str. 11
82152 Martinsried, Germany
Tel: +49 89 895574-839
Fax: +49 89 895574-825

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