On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Larry Wall wrote:

roadblocks thrown in their way.  That's true not only for LP, but
also for FP, MP, XP, AOP, DBC, and hopefully several other varieties
           ^^          ^^^
           ^^          ^^^
           1.          2.

Ehmmm... sorry for the ignorance, but...

1. Functional Programming (right?)
2. Aspect Oriented Programming (right?)

What about the others? Well, I know about Google (and I'll try ASAP in any case), but I fear those acronyms could be just a little bit too generic, although probably including also 'programming paradigm' as search keys would help.

Whoa! That is too weird! I asked around among the math
faculty here and it turns out that _every one's_ wife is married to a mathematician!
- Dave Rusin in sci.math, "Re: Genetics and Math-Ability"

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