On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 10:43:21AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
> David Storrs OOC'd:
> >OOC, will there be a way to control where C<pick> gets its randomness
> >from?  (e.g. perl's builtin PRNG, /dev/random, egd, etc)
> Sure:
>     # Use RBR (Really Bad Randomness) algorithm...
>     temp *rand (Num ?$max = 1) {
>         return $max/2;
>     }
>     my $guess = @data.pick;

Ok, so it requires actually overriding the rand function and providing
your own implementation.  I was hoping for something a bit more
automagical (probably involving a property or role, since they seem to
be the answer to everything these days), but this will work fine.



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