Quoting chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 11:49 -0600, Andy Lester wrote:
> > It's a comment.
> *What* is a comment?  Is it the semantically insignificant text that can
> contain skip or TODO or the semantically significant text with a
> preceding # somewhere?
> They're separate things.  They should have separate names.

So we have example code:

    label: ok($blah, "This is a test <something>"); # this is comment

I am not a guru like you guys. But I prefer not be confused.

Argument of the ok() function IMHO should *NOT* be called "comment",
because "comment" is what is after # sign on the same line.

I checked synonyms for "comment" in thesaurus:

instead of calling the <something> part "comment",
couple synonyms could satisfy criteria:
(1) short enough (not "description"),
(2) descriptive enough (is a note to programmer about what happened)
(3) name of it shows it is not required
(4) not "comment" :-)

I can see candidate nouns:
- note
- remark
- feedback (still just 2 syllables)

I checked also synonyms of "label":
- mark
- stamp
- sticker
- tag (but taken by HTML)
- badge

I agree that <something>  should not be called "label" ot "comment":
these words have other semantics in perl, already taken, sorry.

Anything but "label" or "comment".

But then again I am not perl guru, and my opinion are only mine.

Peter Masiar

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