On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 11:06:51AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
> But what y'all are talking about above is the other end--the return
> type.  And maybe we need to enforce a newbie-friendly invariant on that
> end as well.  I suppose we could default to not accepting junctional
> return values by default, and have a pragma to turn it on.  Or perhaps
> the problem isn't returning junctions per se, but storing them into
> a variable that the user is thinking of as a simple scalar value.

Pardon me while my brain autothreads:

       - But restrictions aimed at newbie-friendliness are a drag!
       People are only newbies for a little while, and they are
       intermediate-to-expert for a lifetime!  Isn't the whole
       philosophy of Perl "we will trust that you know what you're
       doing and only enforce the B&D if you ask for it"?

       - Shut up, nitwit.  Trust $Larry.  Every time you have doubted
       his decisions in the past, he's been right and you've been
       wrong...or, at the very least, it has turned out to not be as
       bad as you first thought.  



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