Markus Laire skribis 2005-02-16 13:32 (+0200):
> We already have +^ ~^ ?^ +| ~| ?| etc..

We have unary lc, int, etc...

> Why not allow data-type prefix for the comparison operators also, so 
> we'd get, to mention a few, ~== (same as 'eq') ~< (same as 'lt') ~<= 
> (same as 'le') - and of course boolean versions ?== and ?!= (The others 
> really don't have use with just 2 possible values.)

Why not allow lc~== (case insensitive string comparison) and int!=
(integer values differ)? What about $foo length== $bar? :)

> Then a programmer could write
>     while foo() ?== true {...}
    if $foo lc~== $bar { ... }

> and it would be ok. After all, perl is all about giving more than one 
> way to do it.

Yes, but I fear that if we turn every unary op into a metaop, things
very quickly become very ugly. A little redundancy isn't a problem here,
I think.

    if ?$foo == ?$bar { ... }
    if lc $foo eq lc $bar { ... }


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