On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 09:33:33PM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
> Steve Peters wrote:
> >While looking into Perl 6 and pugs, I noticed a problem with Pairs pretty 
> >quickly.  Although pairs look like a very useful data type, I could find 
> >in the "Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials" or any Apocolypse or other document
> >on how to get the key or value from a pair.  I was thinking .key and 
> >.value seemed logical (and Autrojus implemented them in pugs faster than I 
> >could
> >even spit out the names), but that doesn't make them "official".  
> They're official. See Exegesis 3:
>     A parameter by any other name
>     ...
>     In Perl 6, C<< => >> is a fully-fledged anonymous object constructor --
>     like C<[...]> and C<{...}>. The objects it constructs are called "pairs"
>     and they consist of a key (the left operand of the C<< => >>), and a 
>     value
>     (the right  operand). The key is still stringified if it's a valid
>     identifier, but both the key and the value can be any kind of Perl data
>     structure. They are accessed via the pair object's C<key> and C<value>
>     methods...

Great!  I figured I was just missing something.  As a followup, is there 
someplace where the raw Pod for the Apocalypses, Exegeses, and Synopses live.
The Pod versions would be much easier to search in bulk than going through 
the web pages one by one.

Steve Peters

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