On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 12:54:20AM -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
> >>>>> "RA" == Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   RA> Uri Guttman wrote:
>   >> that fixes Stéphane's problem with my yall proposal. and yall solves the
>   >> unary my problem. :)
>   >> 
>   RA> Stop misusing "y'all" before this Texan has to hurt you.
>   RA> And y'all wonder why we hate you damn yankees. Can't even speak
>   RA> properly up there.
>   RA> :-)
> be glad your (losing) battle with damian was on email. between his VERY
> southern accent and yours ... :) 

Indeed, Damian might just say that the answer to this problem is
to *again* use junctions, and eliminate the 'm' in C<my>, leaving:

   y all($x, $y, $z) = 1..3;

Sorry, couldn't help myself.  :-) :-) :-)


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