At 03:21 AM 2/25/2005, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
MrJoltCola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I feel that this feature is for higher level languages.

[ snip ]

> ... PIR is for compilers, not people,

PIR is foremost Parrot's primary assembly language. If it were for
compiles only, it wouldn't have needed "a = b + c" in the first place,
the "add" opcode is doing the same.

It filled a need at the time I wrote it, because there was pretty much
nothing else to write code in except PASM and Jako. It was supposed
to be a thin layer (register allocation and instruction choosing and subs) over PASM.
Nowadays we have a hoard of little toy compilers.

PIR has nice constructs for function and method calls. I don't see any
reason, why people shouldn't write PIR code directly. A HERE document
syntax allows to write more readable code.

...and adds another straw to the Camel's back of IMCC maintainability ...and encourages people to stay complacent and keep writing PIR code by hand, which was the main point of my note.


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