Garrett Rooney writes:
> >Not all code objects are Subs.  If you call "return", then you return
> >from the innermost enclosing "sub", which is marked by that word.
> >Likewise does $?SUB.  I don't believe $?BLOCK has been implemented yet,
> >but it will.
> If that's the case then the "Pointy subs" section of S06.pod should 
> probably be clarified a bit.  It says that -> is a synonym for an 
> anonymous C<sub>, except for the lack of parens around the parameter 
> list, lack of a need for a preceeding comma when included in a list, and 
> the fact that it cannot be given traits.  If there are more differences 
> they should probably be mentioned.

Okay, it is now mentioned (I think is synched nightly).


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