Le dimanche  6 mars 2005, à 21 heures 31, Michael G Schwern écrivait :
> On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 10:01:19PM +0100, C?dric Bouvier wrote:
> > I have something almost working right now. I'd like to upload it to
> > CPAN (after I have at least improved the documentation kindly
> > written by Module::Starter, that is) but I'd like your enlightened
> > opinion on what name it should bear. I'm thinking of
> > Test::Distributed::* but I wouldn't want people being fooled into
> > thinking that it is designed to run under Test::Harness, which it
> > isn't at the moment...
> Right, so I'd keep it out of the Test:: realm and put it into WWW::
> instead.
> Why not WWW::Grinder?

Because the module has nothing to do with WWW per se. It is possible to
use it to simulate a load on a web server, but you can use it for
anything in fact.

Maybe this list is not the right place to ask after all.

I'll try and come up with a better idea though.


C é d r i c   B o u v i e r

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