On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 05:05:02PM -0500, David Golden wrote:
> The use case I've been pondering is to be able to better control the 
> granularity of my tests within a particular scripts.  Stuff like 
> Test::Class and Test::Block gets closer but not quite to what I would 
> like.  I'd like to be able to define a "block" of tests and either 
> report that the whole block succeeded or else show me that it failed 
> with a diagnostic about the individual tests within it.  In effect, I'd 
> like to be able to localize "verbosity".  I'm in the middle of cobbling 
> up a module to do it -- the approach I have in mind is storing the 
> blocks as a code reference, running the first block (in an eval to trap 
> dies), storing away a copy of the Test::Builder results, resetting 
> Test::Builder, running the next, etc., etc., then at the end resetting 
> Test::Builder one final time and passing/failing for each result set 
> (with diagnostics that show the verbose results of the individual tests 
> passing or failing.)  Since I'm trying test-first development, I'm 
> currently hung up in the middle of figuring out how to test that it's 
> doing the what I want before I write it.  I think the approach works, 
> but all this mucking about in the internals of Test::Builder feels like 
> voodoo.

It is.  You're a perfect candidate for create().  You can grab the
latest version from svn.schwern.org and try it out.

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