On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 06:51:43PM +0100, Thomas Sandlaß wrote:
: Larry Wall wrote:
: >and it seems to me that you could simplify all that to just
: >
: >    subtype KeyName of Str where { m/^\w+$/ }
: >
: >If that succeeds, you know it's defined and non-null.
: My view is that typing strings by means of patterns should always
: exhaust the string as the above pattern does. I can imagine some
: magic that lets
: my KeyName @a = "First Second";
: allow to actually have two entries @a[0] eq "First"
: and @a[1] eq "Second" by somehow morphing the pattern into
: continued matching mode where the next index continues where
: the previous left off---and skipping whitespace.

That's...sick...  I love it.  *Please* don't tell Damian.


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