Dave Whipp wrote:

Rod Adams wrote:

I do not believe that you can create a 'lazy junction'. But I don't recall the topic coming up before, so we'll have to wait for Damian to come back unless someone else knows for certain.

My understanding is that all lists are conceptually lazy. "any(2..Inf)" is perfectly valid.

The list being fed into the junction can be lazy. But I believe that the list gets iterated over completely in the creation of the junction, so C< any(2..Inf) > is valid, but melts your processor similar to C< sort 2..Inf >.

My impression has been that after the creation of a junction, the values that junction has are set in stone. Allowing some form of lazy list to add values at will seems a bit counter to me. But if @Cabal think it's okay to have lazy junctions, I won't argue with them.

-- Rod Adams

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