On 14.Feb.2005 09:01PM -0800, chromatic wrote:

> Here's my list of suggestions for each:
> 1) label, description
> 2) directive, instruction
> 3) diagnostic
> I want to avoid the word "comment" altogether, making the
> optionalness of #1 and #3 evident in their words, the
> activeness of #2 evident in its word, and any comparison to
> Perl's comments in syntax or name go away.

I think "description," "directive," and "diagnostic" fit those
constraints. However, the distinction between #1 and #3 still
seems unclear.

For #3: anecdote? metalabel? "optional postfix description
informatron"? scuttlebutt? tittle-tattle?

To think outside the box, do we actually _need_ both #1 and #3 on
the same line for reasons other than backwards compatibility?

As for synonyms, try out the OneLook reverse dictionary:


It usually provides. Other times, such as in the case of
searching for "optional note," it produces completely silly
results such as "linseed oil." Go figure.

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

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