On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 10:11:45AM +0000, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello All,


> How does one go about this?  Is there a list of priorities for modules
> that need porting to Perl6/Pugs?  Should I just get going with a module
> that takes my fancy and try to get it to run under Pugs?

Yes, that is the idea.  Just pick something you like, rework it into
Perl 6 syntax (or an approximation of it), and check in the Pugs source
tree under modules/ directory; see Locale-KeyedText in there for an

I'd also encourage you to hop on IRC (freenode.net #perl6) to talk a
bit about what module(s) you are attempting to port over, so we can
be more assistance when you run into Pugs's shortcomings.

> I'm also quite wary of treading on toes in doing this, do I need to get
> "permission" from the original developer of a module before attempting a
> port of it to Pugs?

It helps to let the original author know what you're doing, and credit
them accordingly, but I don't think you need permissions to start

So, let me know when you'd like to receive the committer bit. :)


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