Christopher H. Laco wrote:

Yeah, I had looked at that, but there are two things keeping me from using Test::Distribution:

Checks whether all use()d modules that aren't in the perl core are also mentioned in Makefile.PL's PREREQ_PM.

I have a few modules that are optional; not declared in PREREQ_PM. Probably not a problem since they're evaled in. However, there are plenty of cases where I'm usin-ing one module that is a child of another parent, and the parent is in PRERQ, but the child wouldn't be.

Test::Prereq ? I don't know if it handle all those cases though.

    Checks that all packages define $VERSION strings.

Onlt the main module package has a version; not all of the other packages. Maybe that's a bad thing?

That's a quite classic troll starter I think :-)

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni -- - --- -- - -- - --- -- - --- -- - --[ ] Close the world, txEn eht nepO

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