Greetings and OOK, Jarkko.  

Ian asked the musical question

  The CPAN Search FAQ at reads:

   Q: Do you keep statistics on which modules are most popular?

   A: Not right now. But there are plans to add some kind of popularity metrics.

  I think the answer should be updated to point to the Phalanx project.
  Whom do we contact?

But Andy didn't want to conflate Phalanxing with "popularity"

  I'd rather it didn't.  What people think of as "popularity" is not what 
  Phalanx measures.

  Let's not stir the mud.

Then Robert better suggested cpanratings.

On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 01:41:06AM +1100, Robert wrote:

Which seems fit for the CPAN FAQ.

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