On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 08:32:48AM -0500, Stevan Little wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2005, at 1:23 PM, Nathan Gray wrote:
> >Is there a place for Test.pm from perl5 in the perl6 world?  That's the
> >one I want to use.
> You are certainly free to write it, and I think it would be a great 
> exercise in multi-subs to do so. However the name Test.pm has already 
> been taken. But I would encourage you to look more closely at both 
> perl5 Test::More and the perl6 Test.pm as I really and truely feel they 
> are superior to perl5 Test.pm. But then again, this is perl, so there 
> is certainly more than one way to do it, and you are free to do so.
> As for contributing to the Pugs tests, I personally would prefer though 
> that you stick with the perl6 Test.pm model as we already have over 
> 1500 tests which use it. But in the end, this is Autrijus's descision 
> and not mine.

It was frustrating when Test::Simple/More was not part of the standard
perl5 distribution, and modules were using it to test, because then I
had to go fetch another module, even when there wasn't really a
dependency.  For that reason, I'd rather not make an alternate test 

I can try using the subroutines that are provided right now, which
brings me to the point of this post originally: I have seen systems
which log test output (test description, type of failure, expected 
value, actual value) to a file.  I find this type of logging very

I was trying to implement something like that, but I kept getting
errors.  I have, however, overcome the sand pit (no 'elsif' yet), and
have a patch that will allow logging to a file.


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