> On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 20:54:20 -0500
> Stevan Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My proposal is for an extensible version of POD.

* John van Krieken ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [050316 07:40]:
> Did any of you look at the excelent work Mark Overmeer did on OOdoc?

You're right.
Actually, the most important part of your discussion is not about
using XML or HTML, but simply for using logical markup (<EM>) in stead
of visual markup (<I>).  I do fully agree about the benefits, especially
when the program to be documented becomes more complext.

Have a look at OODoc if you want to see a working module, implementing
this various extensions to the standard POD.  It is easy to add a
parser for your own syntax into it, and you get real POD and HTML as
backends for free.

I still have to put the presentation (with extensive paper) for the
last German and Dutch Perl Workshop on line (both last month).  Tell me
if you are interested.

drs Mark A.C.J. Overmeer                                MARKOV Solutions
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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