On 4 Mar 2005, at 17:15, Michael G Schwern wrote:
There's not nearly enough references, particularly when I expect the audience
to go out and work things out on their own. I still can't think of a decent
testing book nor tutorial to recommend. Test::Tutorial leaves the reader
at a dead end without referencing further works on, say, perl.com. I don't
know the JUnit community to recommend anything there.

I can't believe you didn't stick a reference to the perl-qa list there :-)

My personal list would probably include the following


                -       delicious rocks!

                -       General blog/portal/aggregator site on testing.
                        Mostly TDD. Some Perl occasionally.

                -       Really excellent online materials on testing - but has
                        a far bigger scope than just developer written automated
                        unit tests. For those considering testing as a career


I'd put these next two in the "really great books on testing" section.

        Lessons Learned in Software Testing: A Context Driven Approach,
        Cem Kaner, James Bach, Brett Pettichord
        -       Very readable book on software testing in general. A collection
                of hundreds of good practices and tips.

        Test Driven Development, Kent Beck
        -       Everybody should read it. It's thin too :-)

while these are just darn fine

        Perl Medic, Peter Scott
        -       Has some nice chapters on testing. About the only Perl
                book currently out there that does AFAIK.

        Test Driven Development: A Practical Guide, Dave Astels
        -       Nice intro to TDD. Covers various xUnit frameworks in
                several languages (not Perl unfortunately)

        Pragmatic Unit Testing In Java with JUnit, Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas
        -       Mostly JUnit, but well written. As long as you can
                read Java you should be able to take useful stuff
                away from it.



PS "O'Reilly will have a small book soon" ?

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