Quoting #parrot:

    <@autrijus> when I say ".local pmc foo", what happens at INS?
    < leo> nothing - that just declares the name "foo" being a P symbol
    <@autrijus> and its scope is... .sub ?
    < leo> yep, .sub / .end
    <@autrijus> so there's no notion of lexical scopes?
    <@autrijus> in IMC level
    <@autrijus> it's all .sub (dynamic scope)
    <@autrijus> and no inner .sub s
    < leo> no - I asked several times if that would be useful
    < leo> - no inner subs

I find this ... surprising.  How is Perl 6 supposed to implement its
idea of %MY:: if there's no lexical scoping other than in .subs, and
there are no nested .subs?

Chip Salzenberg            - a.k.a. -            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         Open Source is not an excuse to write fun code
            then leave the actual work to others.

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