Nick Glencross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, now I understand. This is inspecting the C runtime stack (I think).
> The Interpreter remembers the bottom address, and then when the time
> comes, a routine runs the depth of the stack.

Yes. Exactly.

> The values on the stack are then checked whether they are in the pmc or
> buffer memory ranges.


> I guess that there must be automatic variables which haven't been
> explicitly set on the stack(?).

No. The C runtime stack isn't explicitely written to or initialized by
running Parrot, which triggers the bogus valgrind warnings.

See F<tools/dev/parrot.supp> and:

$ cat vgp
valgrind --suppressions=tools/dev/parrot.supp --alignment=8 \
   --num-callers=8 ./parrot "$@"

$ vgp some.imc

> Nick


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