On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 02:43:55PM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
: On Wed, Apr 06, 2005,  Larry Wall wrote:
: > I think it's time to break out
: > the colon again and use something like:
: > 
: >     &infix:<+>:(Complex, Complex);
: > 
: > or
: > 
: >     &foo:(Str,Int)
: > 
: > for ordinary functions.  If it gets really popular people might
: > even start writing:
: > 
: >     sub foo :(Str,Int) {...}
: Just so I can keep things straight in my head...
: Would this last instance be the same as
:    sub foo (Str,Int) {...}
: i.e., is the colon optional?  Or does it become mandatory?  
: Or is it indicating something else that I'm not seeing?

It would be optional.

: FWIW, just to give an example of what the syntax can look like, in S06
: the lines
:     &woof ::= &bark<Dog>.assuming :pitch<low>;
:     &pine ::= &bark<Tree>.assuming :pitch<yes>;
: would become
:     &woof ::= &bark:(Dog).assuming :pitch<low>;
:     &pine ::= &bark:(Tree).assuming :pitch<yes>;

Yep, somethin' like that...


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