Steven Philip Schubiger wrote:

[ cc'ed list, so that folks know about takers ]

On 15 Apr, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

: 5) along with bringing the config online, some cleanup and renaming : wouldn't harm e.g. "iv" vs "opcode_t", "intvalsize" vs "intsize" vs : "opcode_t_size" ...

This part seems appealing to me, but bear in mind, I've never tampered
with the Parrot C sources, although I've been heavily involved in other
C-based projects (GNU coreutils et al.)

That stuff is all in Perl code under the config dir, e.g:

$ find config -type f | xargs grep -w intsize

And do you have more examples or should I follow my guts?

I think we should have:

  INTVAL_t   # type of the INTVAL
  int_size   # native c type

and so on. See also include/parrot/datatypes.h



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