Cory Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to announce the creation of the Parrot Common Lisp project, which
> aims to implement a significant subset of the Common Lisp language.

Wow. I can even do something with it:

$ ../parrot lisp.imc
-> (+ 2 5)
-> (list 1 2 3)
(1 . (2 . (3 . NIL)))

Ehem, that's almost all I know about Lisp.

>      Depending on the system (I develop on both x86/Linux and g4/OS X),
>      you'll get a Bus Error, Segmentation Fault or some other random error
>      if you don't disable the GC.

>      (If anyone is able to track down aforementioned DOD/GC problems,
>      you'll earn my eternal gratitude.)

Can you please provide a code snippet that exhibits the error.

> -c


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