Rod Adams skribis 2005-04-15 11:53 (-0500):
> Wouldn't some form of trait make more sense:
>    my $sql = '...' is ok;

Depends. A unary ok operator would let you pinpoint very easily,
*without* using parens:

    ok $fh.print($foo); # no warnings about print (closed fh?)
                        # but warning about undef $foo remains

    $fh.print(ok $foo);  # warn about printing thingies, but not about
                         # undef $foo

    say $foo, $bar, ok $baz, $quux;  # complain about everything, except
                                     # what has to do with $baz

    my $foo;
    ok my $foo = "foo $bar baz";  # warn about $bar, but not the masking
    my $foo = ok "foo $bar baz";  # other way around


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