Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 16, 2005 at 10:36:37AM +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

>: Above are only the PMC variants. There are optimized forms for array and
>: hash lookup by native types:
>:   Px = Py[Iz]
>:   Px = Py[Sz]

> Is there a bitarray lookup by native int?

Yes. All array lookups support a native int index.

>: But with PMCs we seem to have a bunch of different key-ish PMCs,
>: including a BigInt PMC for bitarrays.

> I don't mind the general MMDish cases, as long as they don't get
> in the way of a writing a devilish fast LINPACK in Perl 6 without
> too many contortions.  And we can certainly contort Perl 6 to our
> hearts' content, but I'm just trying to figure out whether ordinary
> arrays default to shape(int) or shape(Int).  My gut feeling is that
> defaulting to shape(int) is going to buy the optimizer something, but
> it's just that, a gut feeling.

A default of shape(int) sounds very reasonable. WRT speed: we'll have
basically two different runoptions similar to -Os and -Ot. The former is
useful in cases, where 300 users are running "parrot order.pbc" (Dan
Sugalski). The bytecode is read-only and can be shared via e.g. mmap(2).
The latter can rewrite the bytecode and even inline the array access for
the native integer case.

> Yes, but there's still got to be some internal overhead in deciding
> whether the run-time Int object is representing the integer in some
> kind of extended bigint form.  (Or are you meaning Int as Parrot's
> native integer there?)

A Parrot Integer PMC (32bit for a 32bit sytem), which has a different
type number then a BigInt PMC.

> ... Plus if you're optimizing based on run-time
> typing, there has to be some check somewhere to see if you're
> assumptions are violated so you can pessimize.

The check is rather cheap. Given the (hypothetical) opcode:

  circumfix .MMD_GET_KEYED, Par, Pidx, Pdest
                   $1       $2   $3    $4

it can be recompiled to:

  cache = $1
  if ($2.type << 16 | $3.type) == cache.type
      $4 = (cache.function)(INTERP, $2, $3)
    // consider some more cache slots
    // MMD lookup

There is one cache entry per bytecode location with this opcode (PIC,
Polymorphic Inline Cache). The fast path is usually hit in more then 95%
of the cases states the literature.

With readonly-bytecode a slightly slower variant is the default, where
the cache lookup involves some more indirections.

> ... That sort of check
> can be factored out to some extent, but not to the same extent that a
> compiler can factor it out with sufficient advance type information,
> either direct or inferred.  (At least, that's my assumption.  I don't
> claim to up-to-date on the latest in optimizing run cores.)

Type interference is a nice to have but difficult with dynamic
languages. It needs support by the user (closed classes, no overloading)
but yes, the compiler can emit a direct function call sometimes.

> Larry


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