Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Sam, long not hear ;)

> ...  The overwhelming majority of that work
> is in getting the PMCs right.

I'm currently working on that. Some of the MMD functions are already
rewritten so that they can return new result PMCs. With the now working
MMD system I'v also changed Python (and Tcl) PMCs accordingly.  E.g.
subtracting two PyInts gives a PyLong on overflow albeit the subtract is
inherited from the Integeer PMC.

See also:
  Subject: [PROPOSAL] infix MMD operators
  Subject: Again the infix ops

That's not yet finished and opcodes that create new detination PMCs
are still missing. I hope that it's done in a week or so.

> ... I have not kept up with the
> latest Parrot changes.

I'd appreciate if you can find the time to follow p6i. BTW we have
switched to SVN.

> - Sam Ruby


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