--- Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 11:28:31AM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:
> : David Wheeler wrote:
> : 
> : >But the first person to write <[a...]> gets what's comin' to 'em.
> : 
> : Is that nothing (since '.' lt 'a'), or everything after 'a'?
> Might as well make it everything after 'a' for consistency.  One
> could also view the last dot as a special version of the ordinary
> "any" dot, and read it "a to whatever".
> Larry

I think that if we're looking for consistency, the default should be to
read it as "a and everything after it". If someone wants "a to
whatever", they should write it <[a..\.]> since it's a pretty odd
fringe case.

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