On Sun, Apr 17, 2005 at 10:11:47AM -0500, David Christensen wrote:
> Enclosed is a patch for t/operators/hyper.t to test for some corner 
> cases with list extension.  Let me know if the unicode ">>" are coming 
> through correctly; I am not seeing them as such in my email.

Your mailer claims that your message is ISO-8859-1

> +
> +     @r = (1,2,3,4) »+« (1,2);

./perl -Ilib -MEncode -wle '$m = "»+«";print$u = Encoddee::::e"macroman", 
$m); print Encode::decode ("utf8", $u)'

What you're actually sending in the body is the utf8 bytes converted in a
ISO-8859-1 => MacRoman translation. (I think)

Did you cut and paste from (say) TextEdit into Mail?

IIRC both TextEdit and carbonised Emacs have an annoying habit of assuming
that by default files are in MacRoman.

Nicholas Clark

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