Ken Williams wrote:
On a related note, we should probably finally make the prerequisite-specification system treat the requirement level (requires vs. recommends vs. conflicts) and requirement scope (build vs. test vs. runtime) as completely orthogonal. Currently there's no such thing as build_recommends, for instance, but there's really no good reason it's missing.

Should we completely open this up so that requires/recommends/conflicts can be applied to any action?

install_recommends => ...
testcover_requires => ...

Also, this seems like a good time to implement .modulebuildrc (RT #8531). Except that I would rather follow the format of the rc files for tools like svn and cvs. If the word beginning the line matches the action being performed or the global '*', the options following it are appended to the current commandline. Perl-style comments. Backslash at the end of the line after comments are removed is line continuation.

*        --verbose   # global options
diff     --flags -u
install  --install_base /home/randys \
         --install_path html=/home/randys/html

Objections? Comments?


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